Senior Management
Russell Petrak M.D.
Managing Partner, Metro Infectious Disease Consultants
President and CEO Innovative Ventures, a management services organization
Duties: Oversees all clinical, administrative, and financial operations of MIDC, Chairman MIDC Management Committee, and Manager MIDC Phoenix and Alabama
Board Certification: Infectious Disease and Internal Medicine
Training: Medical School, Internal Medicine, and Infectious Disease, Rush Medical Center
Robert Fliegelman, D.O.
Member MIDC Management Committee
Duties: Oversee clinical operations of MIDC Detroit, Primary Care, and the Southside Region
Board Certification: Infectious Disease and Internal Medicine
Training: Internal Medicine, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Infectious Disease, Rush Medical Center
David Hines M.D.
Member MIDC Management Committee
Duties: Oversee the clinical operations of MIDC Northside, Bloomington/Normal/Peoria, and the Quad Cities
Board Certification: Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease
Training: Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease, Rush Medical Center